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SIMPL: Sacramento Integrated Multimodal Place-based Living Project

 Download the SIMPL Leadership Council information and application or apply online.

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The Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Program is a California Climate Investment (CCI) program administered by the Strategic Growth Council (SGC), and implemented by the Department of Conservation (DOC) and other partnering State agencies. The TCC Program provides funding for projects that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the development and implementation of neighborhood-level transformative climate community plans that include multiple, coordinated GHG emissions reduction projects that provide local economic, environmental, and health benefits to disadvantaged communities. 

Learn more




Nearly 25% of area residents live in poverty


Air Pollution
Exposure to pollution may contribute to the higher rates of emergency services for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) experienced by residents in project area. 


Low Birth Weight
In comparison to Sacramento County, there is a disproportionate amount of infants in the project area born with low birth weight, which is influenced by social determinants, economic and environmental factors.


High Injury Network
There are higher transportation injury incidents and fatalities along North 12th Street and Richards Boulevard.


Energy Burden
Sacramento had the second highest energy burden in the state based on median household income as compared to other metropolitan cities in California.  


Homeless Population
Racial and health disparities among African-American deaths which accounted for 50 percent of homeless accidental deaths and 80 percent of homeless homicides among people of color.






Equitable Housing and Neighborhood Development
Twin Rivers Public Housing complete with new construction of energy efficient units, pedestrian walkways, and bike paths.


Transit Access and Mobility Strategy
Safer bicycle and pedestrian routes to access transit, schools and local businesses. The creation of a new transit station to connect project area residents and to the downtown core and the greater Sacramento region.


Decarbonized Energy and Energy Efficiency

New electric vehicle charging stations for residents and the public strategically located on streets near a new city park; car sharing availability for residents and visitors alike; rebate programs for electric vehicles 


Water Efficiency

Efficient irrigation management for parks and multi-family housing developments


Urban Greening and Green Infrastructure
Creation of the new Twin Rivers City Park, urban heat island mitigation, and tree-scape for the new transit station. Storm water retention to decrease river pollution.  Creating an urban forest by planting a variety of approximately 500 high reduction GHG trees to increase the tree canopy throughout the River District.


Health and Wellness

New recreational facilities and community gardens





Lead Agency

Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency


Project Leads 

GRID Alternatives, Sacramento Regional Transit, McCormack Baron Salazar, and Sacramento Tree Foundation


Workforce Development Initiative

Sacramento Employment and Training Agency

Urban Strategies

Sacramento Regional Conservation Corps

GRID Alternatives


Community Engagement Initiative

Alchemist CDC



Collaborative Stakeholders
Neighborhood residents and small businesses

City of Sacramento
Greater Sacramento Urban League
GRID Alternatives

Legal Services of Northern California
River District Business Association
Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District

California State University, Sacramento: Institute for Social Research
Urban Strategies






Resident & Stakeholder Meetings


Thursday, March 21 - CANCELLED

1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.


Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency

Commission Room

801 12th St.

Sacramento, California 95814


Conference Call Number: (515) 604-9300
Access Code: 141973

SacRT Transportation Information
RT Bus Line: 29 
Transit Line: Blue


Street parking is available.



Click on the meeting dates below to access meeting materials.

(We're in the process of uploading these materials.)


2019 Resident & Stakeholder Meetings

February 28



2018 Resident & Stakeholder Meetings

September 14 

September 20

September 27

October 4

October 11

October 18

October 25

2017 Concept Planning
August 24 
August 31
September 14
September 21 
September 28
October 5 
October 12
October 19 
October 26 
November 2


Proposal Development
November 9
November 16

November 30







January 11, 2018






Sacramento Is A Finalist For Grant To Improve The River District

Sacramento is one of two California cities that are finalists for a $35 million grant aimed at developing green infrastructure in low-income communities.


Levee Leveraging: Sacramento Vies For Cap-and-Trade Funds That Could Add Housing, Infrastructure

City is a front-runner for state’s new TCCP initiative. 




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