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Thousand Strong Year 3 RFP Information Session

DATE AND TIME Mon, December 17, 2018 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM PST

LOCATION Sacramento City Hall 915 I Street New City Hall Council Chambers Sacramento, CA 95814

In order to help participants prepare the best possible applications Thousand Strong is holding an in-person application information session at City Hall.

Thousand Strong is heading into the third year. The program is based on successful models from other cities and feedback from local partners. They need community organizations to help them create one touch points for employers and students to navigate participating in Thousand Strong. You can support the program by doing the following:

You can apply to be a partner in Year 3 here: Deadline: 3:00pm (PST) January 11, 2019 You can ask questions here: Deadline: December 31, 2018


The meeting will also be broadcast live on the web for organizations who cannot attend in-person. Organizations interested in the webinar should still RSVP.

Dial-in number (US): (563) 999-2090 Access code: 503881# Online meeting ID: thousandstrong Join the online meeting:

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