The Sacramento Promise Zone website now features an updated interactive map that can be used to learn more about the Promise Zone resources and geographic areas (i.e. Sacramento city/county boundaries and Sacramento city/county districts).
The map features interactive layers that allow the user to identify resources and information related to the five Promise Zone focus areas; education health, jobs, economic development, and sustainably built communities. For example, users can use the layers to identify the schools, hospitals, job centers, light rail routes/stops, and so much more! The map can also be used to quickly learn whether or not a home or organization is within the Promise Zone boundaries.
Sacramento Promise Zone Interactive Map/Demo Session
April 15, 2021
10:00am - 10:15am
JOIN US for a quick demonstration of the NEW Sacramento Promise Zone Interactive Map. Greg Helzerman, SHRA GIS Analyst and SPZ Interactive Map Creator, will demonstrate some of the ways the map can be used by SPZ partners and community members. There will also be a short Q&A session.
Please JOIN US and INVITE your networks.
Click below to register for the demonstration and add the event to your calendar.
UPDATED May 3, 2021: The recording for the session is now available here.