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Mural Project: Partnering to Create Beautiful Change

River District neighbors and drivers on Highway 160 can see new murals and other artwork popping up in the area as part of the City’s metamorphosis-themed public art project. The project includes seven murals along the North 12th Street corridor and River District.

The City of Sacramento’s Office of Arts and Culture is leading the project in partnership with Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA), U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development’ (HUD) and local artists collective Trust Your Struggle.

“These murals and locations were chosen with a lot of community input,” said Donald Gensler, the City’s public arts manager. “The project’s proximity to Mirasol Village, which is currently being redeveloped by SHRA, and to homeless service provider Loaves & Fishes makes it important to showcase and celebrate the diversity of the people and places in the River District.” Click below to read more...

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