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Director of the Sacramento Promise Zone Selected as a 2017 Presidio Institute Fellow

Sacramento Promise Zone

Highlight #022, March 2017

March 2017 by Angela Jones, Public Information Officer

In January The Presidio Institute announced the selection of 24 outstanding professionals from the business, non-profit, academic, philanthropic, and government sectors to participate in the prestigious Presidio Institute Fellows program.

The goal of the program is to further develop the capacity of inspired executives to solve complex societal challenges that impact education, health, housing, workforce development, and the environment.

Mr. Williams is the Director of Development at the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency and the Director of the Sacramento Promise Zone. He directs the real estate development and project financing activities for the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA), Sacramento Housing Authority, Sacramento County Housing authority, the City of Sacramento and Sacramento County.,

“I am honored be recognized for my achievements and elated to join a group of exceptional leaders who are being equipped to solve some of the biggest challenges in the world today,” stated Williams.

Mr. Williams is an urban revitalization trailblazer. His development activities have been at the forefront of neighborhood transformation efforts in Boston, Houston and Atlanta. He has spent the past 20 years successfully leading multi-million dollar, large-scale cross-sector revitalization initiatives totaling over $500 million.

“My foundational training at Prairie View A& M University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) laid the ground work for my transformational work across the country.”

Fellows are selected through a competitive application process based on their record of personal achievement, their ability to contribute to the rigorous program, as well as their desire to apply lessons learned to a cross sector effort locally, nationally, or internationally. The program is a year-long, multi-city initiative created in partnership with the Presidio Trust, BlackRock, McKinsey, the United States Office of Personnel Management, and the White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation.

“We are excited to welcome this outstanding cohort to The Presidio Institute,” said David B. Smith, Managing Director of the Presidio Institute. “The Institute will shake up outdated mindsets, impart new skills, foster collaborative relationships, and challenge boundaries to bridge all sectors and address needs that could not be met by any one alone.”

Program curriculum provides Fellows the opportunity to focus on building their cross sector leadership skills in a number of ways, including in-person engagements with inspirational leaders from diverse organizations, to an online component through the LEADEROSITY platform which delivers peer-to-peer interactions challenging them to become more collaborative and adaptable leaders. Fellows come to the program with a real world or real business challenge they currently face.

“Tyrone’s leadership has been essential to recruiting and maintaining trust with partners, influencing systems, coordinating policy change, attracting resources and implementing strategies that will contribute to the success of development activities and cross-sector initiatives in Sacramento,” stated La Shelle Dozier, Executive Director of the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency. “We are proud of Tyrone for earning this distinguished opportunity as a Presidio Institute Fellow and wish him great success in this new challenge.”

Fellows come to the program with a real world or real business challenge they currently face. They will work with world-class Presidio Institute instructors—and with each other—to apply a cross sector leadership methodology that yields breakthrough results, enhance their skill sets, expand their networks, and explore different approaches to solving complex challenges.


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