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Community Meetings for SIMPL: Sacramento Integrated Multimodal Place-Based Living Project

A map of the project area in Sacramento’s River District

River District residents work with the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency to determine community needs and develop solutions

November 2018 - The Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) is applying for the Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) program with an innovative project to transform Sacramento’s River District – SIMPL: Sacramento Integrated Multimodal Place-Based Living Project. This community-led project will significantly improve the district’s livability and climate resilience through improvements ranging from better public transport to a vibrant urban forest. TCC is a California Climate Investment (CCI) program administered by the Strategic Growth Council (SGC), and implemented by the Department of Conservation (DOC) and other state agency partners.

The TCC Program provides funding for projects that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the development and implementation of neighborhood-level transformative climate community plans that include multiple, coordinated GHG emissions reduction projects that provide local economic, environmental, and health benefits to disadvantaged communities. In the River District, 25% of area residents live in poverty, there is a high quantity of air pollutants that contribute to chronic health conditions, a disproportionate amount of low birth weights, a high injury network and energy burden, as well as a significant homeless population.

To gain input and feedback on ways to improve these issues, SHRA hosted weekly TCC Resident and Stakeholder Meetings that began September 14 and continued through October 25 at The Cannery/Township 9 apartment community. Community feedback included improving access to recreational and leisure activities near the American River, better and more efficient Regional Transit, safer and more pedestrian oriented transit infrastructure, and increasing the amount of green space. Community engagement meetings such as this are crucial to be able to effectively provide quality improvements for the River District community and nearby regions. With this feedback, and award of the TCC grant, SHRA will work collaboratively with residents and stakeholders to secure equitable housing and neighborhood development, transit access and mobility, decarbonized energy and energy efficiency, water efficiency, urban greening and green infrastructure, and health and wellness; to ensure significant improvements and outcomes for all River District residents.

Click HERE to learn more about SIMPL


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