Our Focus Areas
The Sacramento Promise Zone initiative focuses on 5 intersecting core areas to provide a comprehensive, holistic approach to our community's revitalization.

Goal: Promote Healthy Behaviors and Increase Health Interventions
Visit our Health page here.
1) Increase adoption of comprehensive approaches to improve community design that supports physical activity.​
2) Increase opportunities for physical activity in the Promise Zone through shared use agreements between municipalities, school districts and community based organizations.​
3) Implement strategies to translate and integrate known community health interventions into usual clinical care approaches.
1) Increase third grade reading proficiency by focusing on early learning programs and results-based interventions like City Year. Only 37% of third graders are reading at grade level in Sacramento.​
2) Improve retention rates by increasing basic skills competencies in reading, writing, and math to improve student preparedness for degree, certificate courses, and employment.
3) Support and improve college and career readiness programs. Over 30% of residents in the Promise Zone have less than a High School Diploma versus 14.4% in the County.​

Goal: Accelerate Job Creation - The Promise Zone partners will accelerate job creation by aligning job creation with the Next Economy Capital Region Prosperity Plan, which identifies priority business clusters as opportunities for economic growth.
Visit our Jobs & Economic Development Action Team's page here.
1) Invest in a sector approach to occupational skills training that prepares jobseekers in the Promise Zone for career pathways to middle skilled jobs that ensure self-sufficiency.
​2) Improve business climate for economic growth in the Promise Zone.
​3) Diversify the economy through growth and support of the core business clusters.
Goal: Promote a sustainable economic base: invest in Building the Promise Zone - Facilitate and promote projects and program initiatives that support economic growth, quality of life, and job creation in key areas of the Promise Zone.​
Visit our Jobs & Economic Development Action Team's page here.

1) Revitalize commercial corridors within the Promise Zone; each of which is a vital asset and offer tremendous revitalization opportunities, including retail, commercial, and housing.​
​2) Focus resources on key infill and major development projects within the Promise Zone.
​3) Implement and promote policy and planning initiatives that effectively improve business-friendly conditions and processes to encourage further development and investment in the Promise Zone.​

Sustainably Built Community
Goal: Promote a sustainably built community - Facilitate neighborhood revitalization by creating destinations that are desirable for both living and working.
Visit our Sustainably Built Community Action Team's page here.
1) Strengthen community capacity to address gang involvement and create safe neighborhoods, especially for boys and men of color residing in the Promise Zone.
​2) Increase housing types and transit growth to promote livability and connectivity in the Promise Zone.
​3) Increase the role of arts in the neighborhoods to engage residents while preserving and enhancing community identity in the Promise Zone.