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Financial Institution Partnership Opportunity (FIPO) 2019-20 Request for Proposals 


2019-20 FIPO RFP

CBO funding for start up programs or project expansion 


The 2019-20 Financial Institution Partnership Opportunity (FIPO) [Now known as the Financial Institution Collaborative] is a funder-led initiative which brings together financial institutions, credit unions, and philanthropic organizations from across the region to combine funds, align priorities, and maximize impact through concentrating support around a community initiative.

$50,000 - $150,000 in funding is available. Depending on the proposal, there may be an opportunity to fund a larger project.

Please note that depending on the number of participating funders, there may be an opportunity to fund a larger project or more than one project.


The funders are looking for existing, high impact (i.e. number of people being served and partnerships) project(s)/programs(s) in the Promise Zone. The projects/programs must produce tangible, effective results that support low and moderate income (LMI) communities within the Sacramento Promise Zone. They have to align with one or more of the following focus areas along with the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) requirements:

  • Increase Economic Activity           

  • Create Jobs

  • Increase Educational Opportunities

  • Affordable Housing

Benefits of applying: 

  • Organization exposure

  • Program/Project exposure

  • Opportunity to leverage funds

  • Establish relationships with funders

  • (If awarded) $50,000 - $150,000 in funding. 

Please contact Julius Austin, Sacramento Promise Zone Coordinator, with any questions at or at (916) 449-6212. 

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