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Cybersecurity Career Training Program
The Full Story
Operational Value + Societal Impact
The Sacramento Promise Zone drives community revitalization in 22 square miles of Sacramento's most underprivileged neighborhoods. By building the capacity of partner organizations and facilitating cross-sector collaboration, the Sacramento Promise Zone improves educational outcomes; fosters a sustainable economic base; accelerates job creation; promotes healthy behaviors; and supports sustainably built communities.
Generation USA is a non-profit organization with a two-fold mission: to help those in underrepresented communities find meaningful career options and sustained well-being by providing free, online skill training with support and resources at scale and customized curricula to suit the specific needs of employers.
ConSol USA is a minority-founded, owned, and led corporation that operates nationally for-profit, and is focused on providing outsources technology services and staff augmentation to major corporations in the US with talent drawn from underserved, diverse populations. The company has a holistic approach and partner ecosystem that supports its talent and training needs.
The Sacramento Promise Zone, Generation USA, and ConSol USA have formed an actionable partnership that aims to address the gap which, up until now, has been unfulfilled by diverse cybersecurity talent across the country.
Our career-based partnership recruits, trains, and employs talent from within the Sacramento Promise Zone metropolitan area to work as highly-skilled Cybersecurity Analysts.
"I went from being homeless to going through the program, to having a full-time job... My whole life has turned around."
In the United States, the skills gap and its inherent inequalities are most apparent for low-income youth who are not enrolled in school and/or work, and for mid-career workers who find themselves displaced due to automation and digitization. The Cybersecurity Career Training Program is a life-changing opportunity that seeks to elevate Promise Zone residents directly into high wage and salaried careers in the tech industry.
About the Program
We have partnered with Generation USA and Consol USA to offer a 100% FREE online 16-week training program to become a Cybersecurity Analyst.
What is a cybersecurity analyst? As a Cybersecurity Analyst, you provide proactive defense of a company’s digital and technology solutions against cybersecurity threats. You work closely with departments across the organization to ensure threats and vulnerabilities are remediated effectively. You will be a problem solver and as an expert in web security, will play a huge role in helping to protect organizations from digital threats.
This is not your average zoom class. Our joint training program not only teaches you the technical skills to become a Cybersecurity Analyst but also teaches you soft skills while offering professional development support in order to ensure success in your future career. During your time with Consol USA and Generation, you will:
Learn exciting new skills to become a Cybersecurity Analyst
Have a guaranteed interview with a local employer
Receive mentorship and life support based on your needs
from professional coaches throughout training
Prepare to earn industry-recognized certifications
Attend resume workshops
Start your exciting new journey and career path

We need your help!​
On January 12th, 2022, our first cohort embarked on this transformative opportunity. As a community leader and service provider, you have the ability to connect even more individuals seeking training and employment to our future Cybersecurity Career Training Program cohorts. Check out the information session video below and the associated outreach materials. Please SHARE this information widely with the people that you serve.
The PDF version of this flyer hosts a clickable link that takes the trainee directly to the application page.
Please share the flyer and other information on your respective social media accounts using the social media toolkit below.